Merger-and-acquisitions Conn. being discussed by Ronald Adams of Foxboro Consulting Group, who is a specialist
One of the particular things I want to talk to you today about is one of the recent cases we worked on. It was a merger-and-acquisition transaction where a private equity firm went in and purchased a company that was going about 50 million in annual sales.
As part of that responsibility, we were retained to value all of the underlying assets of the acquired company. That included their land, their manufacturing plant, all of their machinery and equipment, as well as all of their intellectual property, which included the assemble workforce, all of their patents, all the copyrights, as well as their customer list and good will.
This was all done for a couple of different reasons: primarily to satisfy the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service and the appropriate bookkeeping, as well as their financial accounting purposes and categorizing all of those assets that were acquired.
If you have a similar situation or a need, we can help you. Please feel free to call us at (774) 719-2236. I’d be more than happy to speak to you about your particular situation. Or you can email us And that’s
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