Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Interpretation of Employee Stock Option (ESO) Valuation Methodologies

In stock options analysis there are three mainstream methodologies and approaches used to calculate an employee stock option value, these are: Closed form models like Black–Scholes model, also known as the Black-Scholes-Merton model (“BSM” or “Black-Scholes”), and its modifications such as the Generalized Black-Scholes model (“GBM”); Monte Carlo Path Dependent Simulation methods; and Binomial Lattice. […]

Start Up Company and Stock Options IRC 83(b)

New ventures go through stages as they progress toward an IPO or acquisition: the start up phase, the angel stage, the venture capital stage, the mezzanine or bridge stage, and finally, the exit event. The exit can take several forms, including an IPO or an acquisition by a publicly held company. During these stages of […]

Interpretation of Employee Stock Option (ESO) Valuation Methodologies

In stock options analysis there are three mainstream methodologies and approaches used to calculate an employee stock option value, these are: Closed form models like Black–Scholes model, also known as the Black-Scholes-Merton model (“BSM” or “Black-Scholes”), and its modifications such as the Generalized Black-Scholes model (“GBM”); Monte Carlo Path Dependent Simulation methods; and Binomial Lattice. […]

Start Up Company and Stock Options IRC 83(b)

New ventures go through stages as they progress toward an IPO or acquisition: the start up phase, the angel stage, the venture capital stage, the mezzanine or bridge stage, and finally, the exit event. The exit can take several forms, including an IPO or an acquisition by a publicly held company. During these stages of […]