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Internal Revenue Code Section 83(b) Election

Property transferred in connection with performance of services (Internal Revenue Code § 83) (a) General rule. If, in connection with the performance of services, property is transferred to any person other than the person for whom such services are performed, the excess of— (1) the fair market value of such property (determined without regard to […]

Business Valuation: Baby Boomer Business Owners Retiring and the Need for Adequate Planning

Trends in the Baby Boomer Population Baby boomers now comprise approximately 78-80 million Americans and account for the largest age cohort of the population in the United States. This age cohort includes those born between 1946-1964. Of this population age cohort, approximately 10.0%, or 8.0 million Americans have household incomes greater than $50,000, and also […]

Internal Revenue Code Section 83(b) Election

Property transferred in connection with performance of services (Internal Revenue Code § 83) (a) General rule. If, in connection with the performance of services, property is transferred to any person other than the person for whom such services are performed, the excess of— (1) the fair market value of such property (determined without regard to […]

Business Valuation: Baby Boomer Business Owners Retiring and the Need for Adequate Planning

Trends in the Baby Boomer Population Baby boomers now comprise approximately 78-80 million Americans and account for the largest age cohort of the population in the United States. This age cohort includes those born between 1946-1964. Of this population age cohort, approximately 10.0%, or 8.0 million Americans have household incomes greater than $50,000, and also […]